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OpenAI's Dev Day Unveils Innovations

OpenAI hosts Dev Day in San Francisco, introducing new features including custom GPTs, a store, and Assistant API

OpenAI introduces custom GPTs, enabling easy development for specific applications, including Canva and Zapier AI.

In November, OpenAI will launch the GPT Store, where developers can earn money for sharing their GPT creations.

OpenAI offers a Copyright Shield program and fine-tuning service for GPT-4, enhancing developer support.

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, commends OpenAI's transformative impact on Microsoft's Azure cloud service.


GPT-4's context window expands, ChatGPT gains PDF search abilities, and more features are announced.

The Assistant API simplifies integrating "assistant" functions into apps, enabling natural language data analysis and more.

OpenAI introduces a "seed" parameter for reproducible GPT outputs and announces price reductions.

Sam Altman demonstrates GPT capabilities by creating a startup mentor program and answering questions.