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How to make money with, Walmart Affiliate Program: A Guide for Bloggers and Website Owners

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Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world, and its affiliate program is a great way for bloggers and website owners to earn commissions by promoting Walmart products.

The program is free to join, and there are no minimum traffic requirements. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of joining the Walmart affiliate program, how it works, and how you can get started.

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What is the Walmart Affiliate Program?

The Walmart Affiliate Program is better then Nike affiliate program marketing program that allows bloggers and website owners to earn commissions by promoting Walmart products on their websites or blogs. When a visitor clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase from Walmart, the affiliate earns a commission.

How Does the Walmart Affiliate Program Work?

The Walmart affiliate program works by using tracking links. When you create an affiliate account, you will be given a unique tracking link for each product that you promote. When a visitor clicks on one of your tracking links and makes a purchase, Walmart will track the sale and credit you with the commission.

What Are the Benefits of Joining the Walmart Affiliate Program?

There are many benefits to joining the Walmart affiliate program, including:

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  1. Free to join: There is no cost to join the Walmart affiliate program.
  2. No minimum traffic requirements: You do not need to have a large amount of traffic to your website or blog in order to join the program.
  3. High commissions: Walmart offers competitive commission rates on a wide variety of products.
  4. Easy to use: The Walmart affiliate program is easy to use. You can create and track your affiliate links using the Walmart affiliate website.
  5. Excellent customer support: Walmart provides excellent customer support to its affiliates. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact Walmart’s affiliate support team for assistance.

How Can I Become a Walmart Affiliate?

To become a Walmart affiliate, you simply need to create an account on the Walmart affiliate website. The website is easy to use, and you can create your account in just a few minutes.

Once you have created your account, you will need to provide some basic information about your website or blog, such as your website’s URL and traffic statistics. You will also need to choose a payment method.

Once your account is approved, you will be able to start promoting Walmart products on your website or blog.

The Walmart affiliate program provides a variety of linking options to suit your promotional needs. You can generate text links, banner ads, and even deep links that direct users to specific product pages. These links can be customized to match the look and feel of your website, enhancing their integration and effectiveness.

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How do I track my sales and commissions in the Walmart affiliate program?

The Walmart affiliate program utilizes a robust tracking system that allows you to monitor your sales and commissions. Through the program’s dashboard, you can access real-time reports, including clicks, conversions, and earnings.

The platform also provides additional analytics and performance metrics to help you optimize your promotional strategies and maximize your earnings.

Is There a Cost to Join the Walmart Affiliate Program?

No, there is no cost to join the Walmart affiliate program. The program is free to join and there are no minimum traffic requirements.

What Are the Requirements to Become a Walmart Affiliate?

To become a Walmart affiliate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have a website or blog that is focused on a relevant topic.
  • Your website or blog must have a minimum of 100 unique visitors per month.
  • You must agree to follow the Walmart affiliate program terms and conditions.

How Much Commission Can I Earn as a Walmart Affiliate?

The amount of commission you can earn as a Walmart affiliate depends on the product that you promote. Walmart offers competitive commission rates on a wide variety of products.

Are There Any Restrictions on Promoting Walmart Products as an Affiliate?

Yes, there are some restrictions on promoting Walmart products as an affiliate. For example, you cannot promote Walmart products on websites that sell counterfeit or unauthorized products.

You can find a full list of the restrictions on the Walmart affiliate program website.

Can I Promote Walmart Products on Social Media Platforms?

Yes, you can promote Walmart products on social media platforms. In fact, social media is a great way to promote Walmart products and generate affiliate sales.

When you promote Walmart products on social media, be sure to use the correct affiliate links. You can find the correct affiliate links for each product on the Walmart affiliate website.

How Are Affiliate Sales Tracked and Credited in the Walmart Affiliate Program?

Walmart uses tracking links to track affiliate sales. When a visitor clicks on one of your tracking links and makes a purchase, Walmart will track the sale and credit you with the commission.

Walmart Affiliate Program

How Often Are Affiliate Commissions Paid by Walmart?

Walmart pays affiliate commissions on a monthly basis. You will receive your affiliate commissions within 45 days of the end of the month in which the sales were generated.

Are There Any Marketing Materials or Resources Available for Walmart Affiliates?

Yes, Walmart provides marketing materials and resources to its affiliates. These materials can help you promote Walmart products and generate affiliate sales.

You can find the marketing materials and resources on the Walmart affiliate website.

How can I contact Walmart if I have any questions about the affiliate program?

Walmart provides comprehensive support for its affiliates. If you have any questions or require assistance, you can reach out to their dedicated affiliate support team. The program’s website usually includes contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, allowing you to connect with the support team for prompt and reliable assistance.

What happens if a customer returns a product that I referred them to? 

In the event that a customer returns a product that you referred, Walmart adjusts the corresponding commission accordingly. If the return occurs within the commissionable period, the commission is deducted from your account. It’s important to understand the specific terms and conditions regarding returns and commissions, as they may vary based on the product category and other factors.

Can I Promote Walmart Products Internationally?

Yes, you can promote Walmart products internationally. However, the commission rates may vary depending on the country in which the sale is made.

What are the terms and conditions of the Walmart affiliate program?

The Walmart affiliate program has a set of terms and conditions that affiliates must adhere to. These typically cover guidelines for promotional activities, prohibited content, and commission eligibility. It’s crucial to review and understand these terms to ensure compliance and to maintain your participation in the program.


Ques- What are some tips for getting approved for the Walmart affiliate program?

Ans- Ensure your website has quality content, sufficient traffic, and aligns with Walmart’s policies and guidelines. Provide accurate information during the application process and focus on promoting relevant products.

Ques- How can I promote Walmart products on my website?

Ans- Include Walmart affiliate links in product reviews, comparison articles, and banner ads. Write engaging content highlighting the benefits and features of Walmart products. Utilize social media, email marketing, and SEO techniques to drive traffic to your website.

Ans- Use Walmart’s affiliate tracking system or third-party affiliate tracking software to monitor clicks, conversions, and sales generated by your affiliate links. Utilize tracking pixels, unique tracking codes, or custom landing pages for better tracking accuracy.

Ques- How can I maximize my earnings from the Walmart affiliate program?

Ans- Promote high-demand products, leverage seasonal promotions and discounts, and create compelling content that drives conversions. Optimize your website for better user experience and ensure seamless integration of Walmart affiliate links. Experiment with different marketing strategies and analyze data to identify top-performing tactics.


The Walmart affiliate program presents an enticing opportunity for individuals and businesses looking to monetize their online presence. By understanding the program’s fundamentals, commission structure, and tracking mechanisms, you can optimize your promotional efforts and generate substantial earnings.

Remember to always stay informed about the latest updates and guidelines provided by the program to make the most of your Walmart affiliate partnership. Happy promoting and earning!

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