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The era of Generative AI Advertising: Will it be the boon or bane in the future advertising industry?

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There’s this thing called Generative AI, which is like a super smart computer program. It’s really cool because it’s helping the advertising industry, which is all about making ads and stuff. 

This AI is helping in making things like pictures, articles, and even ads by itself, which saves a lot of time and money.

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But here’s the catch: even though this generative AI advertising is super helpful, it also brings some problems. Like, you know how when you draw a cool picture, it’s yours and others can’t use it without asking? Well, with AI, it’s a bit tricky. 

People are figuring out that AI-made things might sometimes copy or use stuff that’s already made by someone else without asking. That’s not fair, right?

There are also other worries like who actually owns the things made by generative AI advertising, keeping the AI’s work safe, and making sure it’s not unfairly showing or saying things. 

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Some people are concerned that the AI might have its own opinions or preferences that could affect the things it makes. So, while this AI is doing awesome stuff, people need to think about these tricky things too.”

Imagine you have a cool tool that can create things like music and pictures all by itself. This tool is called generative AI. It’s like a really smart computer program. But sometimes, using this tool can cause problems with something called copyright. 

Copyright is like a rule that says only the person who made something can decide how it’s used. It’s like saying only the person who baked cookies can decide who gets to eat them. 

Now, imagine this tool makes music that sounds exactly like songs from popular singers like ‘The Weeknd’ and ‘Drake’. People might listen to these AI-made songs a lot, like 15 million times! But, this is a problem because it’s like someone else is using ‘The Weeknd’ and ‘Drake’s’ voices without their permission. Eventually, someone realized this and took down the AI-made songs.

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In another situation, there’s a photographer named Boris Eldagsen. He took a really cool picture and won a big award from Sony for it. But later, he told everyone that he actually used the generative AI tool to make that picture. 

This surprised people because they thought Boris took the picture all by himself. This started a big discussion about whether it’s okay to use AI to help make art, like pictures. 

Some people think it’s fine, while others think it’s not fair to use AI for things like winning awards. So, it’s making people think about how AI and art work together.

Generative AI advertising TV commercial by SRK

Cadbury, the chocolate company that makes delicious chocolates, is really good at making commercials that people love in India. You know, those short videos on TV or the internet that tell you about a product or a message. 

They made ads like “Kuch Meetha Ho Jaae” and “Pappu Pass Ho Gaya” that lots of people liked and remembered.

This time, during the Diwali festival, Cadbury did something special. They talked about something that is important to many people in India – the loss of jobs and money because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

They used a famous actor from Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, to help with their new ad campaign. The campaign is called ‘NotJustACadburyAd’

What’s interesting is that they’re letting local store owners, the ones who sell Cadbury chocolates, make their own ads for their shops. And guess what? These ads will have Shah Rukh Khan in them! And the best part is, Cadbury is doing this for free. 

It’s their way of helping local shop owners and also spreading a positive message during a tough time. This thing is being made possible by generative AI advertising.

In the covid time, there are many small shops in India that have been struggling because of the pandemic. To help these shop owners, a special advertisement has been made. 

This advertisement allows anyone to make their own advertisement for their shop and use the famous actor Shah Rukh Khan’s face and voice to promote their shop, and they don’t have to pay any money to Shah Rukh Khan for this.

This advertisement uses a smart computer system called Artificial Intelligence, which is like a really smart robot. This smart system lets people create their own ads using a special website. 

But before they can use it, they need to give some basic information about their shop. Then, the smart system uses its super brainpower to make a copy of Shah Rukh Khan’s face and voice in a way that makes it seem like he is saying the name of the local shop or brand in the ad. 

This generative AI advertising helps a lot of local shops and vendors to sell their products in a pandemic. 

If someone wants to make their own ad with Shah Rukh Khan, they can visit a website called notjust Cadbury ad. This website is made just for this purpose. People can ask for their own version of the ad with their shop’s name in it.

How does it work?

Cadbury is a huge  chocolate company in India. They always  make really cool advertisements for their chocolates. So, they joined hands with a special company called Rephrase.ai

This company is really good at using computer smarts to create advertisements that look like real movies and have voices that sound real, even though they’re made by computers and various AI tools.

Now, these advertisements were a big hit on websites like Facebook and Instagram. But some people were worried. They thought these ads might be tricking people because they looked so real. 

This is because the special computer tools used by Rephrase.ai are kind of similar to something called “deep fakes.” Deep fakes use smart computers to make fake videos that can look exactly like real people talking and doing things possible through generative AI advertising.

Someone on Twitter said this new ad was a bit of a problem. They said it’s mixing up real computer magic with the tricky deep fakes and making this generative AI advertising. They also worried that regular people might start making deep fakes too easily, just like sending a message on WhatsApp.

generative AI advertising

But Rephrase.ai said they aren’t making deep fakes. They call what they do “facial reenactment.” It’s like they’re making faces in the ad look like they’re talking, but it’s not meant to fool people.

This isn’t the first time Cadbury tried this kind of smart ad-making. They did it before in August. They used computer magic & generative AI advertising  to make a famous actor, like Hrithik Roshan, say special things to people in the ad. 

And guess what? You can even try making an ad like that on their website for free! Just by filling in some information, you can make a video with a famous person like Shah Rukh Khan who will talk and walk in the video.

The misrepresentation fear

Imagine you’re teaching a robot to talk and write like a human. You’re using lots of information from the internet to teach it. But there’s a problem: the internet has some wrong and unfair stuff. If we’re not careful, the robot might start saying things that are wrong or unfair too.

Think about it like this: if the only books the robot reads are written by certain people, it might not know about the ideas and stories from other people who are different. 

This could make the robot say things that aren’t true for everyone. It might even make the robot act like certain groups of people are always the same, even if that’s not true.

And here’s another thing: if we only use English to teach the robot, it might not understand people who speak other languages. It’s like if you only learn one language in school, you won’t be able to talk to people who speak a different language. 

So, it’s important to use information from all around the world and lots of different languages to teach the robot, so it doesn’t leave anyone out or say things that aren’t fair. This way, everyone can benefit from the robot’s smarts, no matter where they’re from or what language they speak.

Why advertisers need to be conscious and careful

So, you know how people can create things like stories, music, and art, right? And usually, these things are protected by something called “copyright,” which means that the creators have the right to say who can use or copy their creations. In generative AI advertising this thing goes beyond limits.

Now, there’s something called Artificial Intelligence, which is like smart computer programs that can create things too, like writing stories or making art. But here’s the tricky part: in India, they haven’t officially said that AI can have its own rights like a person does. So, when AI makes something cool, like a piece of writing, it doesn’t get those copyright protections that people usually do.

Because of this, if a company uses something made by AI for their generative AI advertising, they might not legally own it, like they normally would if a person made it. And if someone else copies or uses that AI-made thing without permission, there might not be a lot the company can do about it. 

Also, companies that make generative AI advertising might find it hard to give the full rights of the AI-created stuff to their clients (the people who pay them to make ads). This could be a problem if the companies aren’t officially seen as the real owners of the AI’s creations.

generative AI advertising

So, the report is basically talking about how AI-created things don’t have the same legal protections as things made by people in India. And because of that, companies might have a tough time claiming ownership of AI-made stuff and protecting it from being used by others without permission.

How advertisers can mitigate liability risks

The report is talking about a few important things related to AI (Artificial Intelligence). Imagine AI as a really smart computer program that can do things like understand and analyze information.

1. Reviewing AI platform terms: This means carefully reading and understanding the rules and agreements that come with using AI tools or software. It’s like reading the rules of a game before you start playing.

2. Securing proper authorizations for copyrighted content: If you want to use things like pictures, videos, or writing that belong to someone else, you need to get permission first. It’s like asking for permission to use your friend’s toy.

3. Avoiding prohibited input: Just like there are things you’re not allowed to say or do, there are also things you shouldn’t let AI do or say. This is about making sure AI doesn’t do anything wrong or harmful.

4. Content review processes and guidelines: This means having a strong system to check the stuff that AI creates. It’s like having a teacher look over your homework to make sure it’s correct.

5. Incorporating AI disclaimers: Adding disclaimers means telling people that AI isn’t perfect and might make mistakes. It’s like saying, “I tried my best, but I might not be right all the time.”

6. Safeguarding confidential data: This is about keeping private information safe. Imagine having a secret diary and making sure nobody can read it without your permission.

7. Enforcing non-disclosure agreements: If someone tells you a secret, you promise not to tell anyone else. In the same way, this is about making sure people who work with AI keep important things secret.

8. Implementing strong security measures: This means using locks and passwords to keep AI and the information it uses safe. It’s like having a secret code to open a special door.

9. Upskilling human labor: This is about helping people get better at using AI. It’s like getting better at playing a sport by practicing a lot.

10. Maintaining human control: Even though AI is smart, humans should still be in charge. It’s like having a grown-up supervise a game you’re playing with your friends.

11. Responsible AI use: This means using AI in a good and safe way. It’s like using your toys in a way that doesn’t cause any trouble.

12. Minimizing legal and ethical risks: This is about avoiding problems and doing things that are fair and right. It’s like making sure nobody gets hurt and everyone is treated nicely.

So, in simple words, the report is saying that when we use AI, we need to follow rules, be careful with what we use, and make sure AI is used in a safe and responsible way to avoid problems. 

It’s a bit like using your super-smart robot friend – you need to make sure it behaves nicely and doesn’t do anything bad.

Future outlook

There’s this paper called the Khaitan-ASCI white paper that talks about something important related to generative AI advertising (that’s artificial intelligence). 

They say that when dealing with generative AI advertising stuff, it’s super important to involve a bunch of different people, like the folks who make AI, the government people, experts, the folks who use AI, and even regular people like you and me.

In India, the government is pretty aware of generative AI advertising, and you can see that through groups like the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and NITI Aayog. They’re trying to make rules about AI, like the Digital India Act, to make sure things are done right.

They also talk about some big ideas to make sure generative AI advertising is used in a good way. These ideas are fairness (treating everyone equally), accountability (making sure someone is responsible), transparency (being open about what AI does), and ethics (doing things in a good and moral way). These are like guidelines to develop AI in a responsible way.

They also look at what other countries are doing, like the European Union with something called the EU AI Act. 

This helps make rules that are similar all over the place. Good policies should make sure new and cool ideas can happen with AI, but also think about people’s rights, privacy, and how AI might affect jobs.

They say that if everyone works together – like talking and sharing ideas – people will trust AI more and use it in ways that help society. So, it’s not just about making cool technology, but making sure it’s used in a way that’s fair and good for everyone.

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