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Meta Threads: Will it be the new Twitter competitor?

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Meta Threads app and Twitter are both microblogging platforms that allow users to share short messages with the public. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms.

In this blog post, we will compare Meta Threads and Twitter in detail, covering topics such as:

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  • User interface and design
  • Features
  • Community
  • Privacy and security
  • Pricing

We will also provide a comparison table and charts that summarize the key differences between Meta Threads and Twitter.

User Interface and Design

Meta Threads and Twitter have very different user interfaces. Meta Threads is designed to be a more personal and intimate platform, with a focus on sharing updates with close friends and family. The app has a clean and simple design, with a focus on images and videos.

Twitter, on the other hand, is designed to be a more public platform, with a focus on sharing news, opinions, and information with a wider audience. The app has a more complex design, with a variety of features and tools.

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Meta Threads

  • Clean and simple design: Meta Threads has a clean and simple design that is focused on images and videos. The app’s main screen shows a feed of your recent posts and the posts of your close friends. You can also view your Meta Threads in a chronological order.
  • Focus on personal sharing: Meta Threads is designed for users to share personal updates with close friends and family. The app’s features are geared towards this, such as the ability to post longer messages, videos up to 5 minutes long, and add polls and questions to your posts.
  • In-app messaging: Meta Threads does not have an in-app messaging feature. However, you can send direct messages to your close friends through the main screen of the app.


  • More complex design: Twitter has a more complex design than Threads app. The app’s main screen shows a feed of your recent tweets and the tweets of the people you follow. You can also view your tweets in a chronological order.
  • Focus on public sharing: Twitter is designed for users to share news, opinions, and information with a wider audience. The app’s features are geared towards this, such as the ability to live stream videos, create Fleets, and participate in Spaces.
  • In-app messaging: Twitter has an in-app messaging feature called Direct Messages. You can use Direct Messages to send private messages to your friends and followers.

Meta Threads Features

Meta Threads and Twitter offer a variety of features, but there are some key differences.

Meta Threads

  • 500-character limit per post: Meta Threads allows users to post longer messages than Twitter, with a character limit of 500 per post.
  • Videos up to 5 minutes long: Meta Threads allows users to post videos up to 5 minutes long, while Twitter limits videos to 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
  • In-app messaging: Meta Threads does not have an in-app messaging feature, while Twitter does.
  • ActivityPub support: Meta Threads is built on the ActivityPub social-networking protocol, which allows users to interact with a wider community beyond Instagram.

Twitter Features

  • 280-character limit per post: Twitter has a character limit of 280 characters per post.
  • Live video: Twitter allows users to live stream videos to their followers.
  • Fleets: Fleets are ephemeral posts that disappear after 24 hours.
  • Spaces: Spaces are live audio rooms that allow users to chat with each other in real time.
  • Twitter Blue: Twitter Blue is a paid subscription service that offers users a variety of features, such as ad-free browsing, custom themes, and longer 280-character tweets.


Meta Threads and Twitter have very different communities. Threads is designed for users to connect with close friends and family, while Twitter is designed for users to connect with a wider audience.

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Meta Threads users tend to be more personal and intimate in their posts, while Twitter users tend to be more public and professional in their posts. This difference in tone is reflected in the types of posts that are shared on each platform. 

Meta Threads users are more likely to share photos and videos of their personal lives, while Twitter users are more likely to share news articles, political commentary, and other types of content that is of interest to a wider audience.

The communities on Threads and Twitter are also different in terms of size. Threads app has a much smaller community than Twitter, with only a few million active users. This means that it is easier for users to connect with their close friends and family on Meta Threads, as there is less noise and competition for attention. 

Twitter, on the other hand, has over 300 million active users. This means that it can be more difficult for users to connect with their close friends and family on Twitter, as they may be lost in the sea of other users.

However, Twitter’s larger community also means that users have a wider variety of people to connect with, and they are more likely to find people who share their interests. Ultimately, the best platform for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

If you are looking for a personal and intimate platform to connect with close friends and family, then Meta Threads may be a good option for you. If you are looking for a public and professional platform to connect with a wider audience, then Twitter may be a better option.

Privacy and Security

Threads and Twitter have similar privacy and security settings. Both platforms allow users to control who can see their posts, and both platforms have features to protect users from harassment and abuse.

However, Meta Threads is built on the ActivityPub social-networking protocol, which is considered to be more secure than Twitter’s platform.


Threads app is a free app, while Twitter offers a paid subscription service called Twitter Blue. Twitter Blue costs $3.99 per month and offers users a variety of features, such as ad-free browsing, custom themes, and longer 280-character tweets.

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table that summarizes the key differences between Meta Threads and Twitter:

FeatureMeta ThreadsTwitter
User interface and designPersonal and intimatePublic and professional
Features500-character limit per post, videos up to 5 minutes long, in-app messaging, ActivityPub support280-character limit per post, live video, Fleets, Spaces, Twitter Blue
CommunityClose friends and familyWider audience
Privacy and securitySimilar privacy and security settings, built on ActivityPub protocolSimilar privacy and security settings
PricingFreeFree, or $3.99 per month for Twitter Blue


Meta Threads and Twitter are both microblogging platforms with a variety of features. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms, such as user interface and design, features, community, privacy and security, and pricing.

Ultimately, the best platform for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a personal and intimate platform to connect with close friends and family, then Meta Threads may be a good option for you.

If you are looking for a public and professional platform to connect with a wider audience, then Twitter may be a better option.

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